Tag Archive: polenta

Organic Greek Polenta

Hello Culinary Campers!  I am super-excited about what you have to look forward to in this weeks camp agenda!  My neighbor, Rena, was chatting me up at the local coffee trough…She requested more vegetarian themed recipes/cooking videos.  In answering this request…I had to do some research on vegetenarianism!  The following is some information adapted from a piece that Jolinda Hackett wrote for About.com.  It captures “The Bubble” on vegetarianism and types of vegetarians…I would also like to thank my dear friend Lydia down in Fort Myers Beach, FL for also differentiating vegetarian types for me.

1)-Pescatarian-People who do not eat meat or animal flesh, but will eat fish.

2)-Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian-Those who eat a mostly vegetarian diet, but occasionally eat meat.

3)-Lacto-Ovo-People who do not eat beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish or animal flesh of any kind, but do eat eggs and dairy products.

4)Vegan-Vegans do not eat meat of any kind and also do not eat eggs, dairy products, or processed foods containing these or other animal derived ingredients such as gelatin.

     Now that we have shed some light on vegetarian diets…You, Rena and the rest of our esteemed camp following, can expect something pescatarian…I promised my friend Anna that I would do something innovative using a Kashi brand product in a recipe. So…be looking for Kashi Cereal Breaded Shrimp with a home made cocktail sauce!  I will create/shoot this segment today!  Then…in the next day or two, I will use polenta, fresh spinach, wild mushrooms and pine nuts for a tasty, original recipe/video for my vegan camp attendees!  These will be quick and easy!  Most importantly…Healthy!!!  Healthiest regards-Coach Curt